
PLANAT publications

Dealing with risks from natural hazards Strategy 2018

The Federal Council took note of PLANAT's updated strategy on 4 July 2018. It takes into account current framework conditions such as the increase in extreme weather events and the increased utilisation of our living space. It thus contributes to the long-term security of Switzerland as a living and economic space.

Working paper: Mind the Strategy-Practice Gap. Opportunities and Barriers to effective Risk Dialogue (2024)

PLANAT advocates the adoption of a more future-oriented and comprehensive risk-based approach to manage natural hazard. The measures currently applied are still incomplete in including the following considerations:

  • all aspects of sustainability (ecological, economic, social). They are mainly focusing on economic aspects.
  • all possible categories of measures (preparedness, response, recovery). They are mainly planned in a sector-based manner.
  • the risks of all stakeholders. They are mainly considering easily quantifiable direct losses.
  • the bearability and acceptability of residual risks. They are mainly focusing on the risks to be avoided.
  • future changes like climate change and socio-economic changes. They are mainly based on the current state.

A successfully applied integrated risk management requires a risk dialogue systematically and holistically conducted among stakeholders. This working paper explores both the opportunities and the barriers to effective risk dialogue.

Switzerland's 2022 Voluntary Report on the Implementation of the Sendai Convention on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (2022)

The Federal Council took note of Switzerland's 2022 voluntary report on the implementation of the Sendai Agreement (Mid-term Review of the Sendai Framework) on 23 November 2022. This is the first time that a consolidated status of work on all risks is available for Switzerland.


Position paper: PLANAT's call for action on climate change (2021)

PLANAT is calling for climate change to be increasingly integrated into integral risk management and to be combated. The appeal is aimed at everyone: municipalities, cantons and the federal government, but also politicians and every individual.

Safety level for natural hazards

There is no such thing as 100 per cent protection against natural hazards. What risks are acceptable? And who determines the desired level of safety? PLANAT presents recommendations on this. An updated report is currently being prepared (status 2023).

Risk dialogue practice case (2015)

Municipalities play a central role in communicating natural hazards and risks, as they are in direct contact with specialised agencies and those affected. The ‘Risk dialogue practice case’ provides tools to enable them to provide competent and transparent information about natural hazards.

Risk-based spatial planning - synthesis report of two test plans at municipal utilisation planning level (2014)

The synthesis report on the test planning in the St. Gallen Rhine Valley and the Bündner Herrschaft summarises the key findings, lists the open questions and provides an outlook on the next steps. The summary is aimed at planners, natural hazard experts and other stakeholders in spatial planning implementation.

Strategic Controlling Natural Hazards Switzerland (2013)

In its first strategic controlling programme, PLANAT examined the extent to which the ‘Safety from natural hazards’ strategy is being successfully implemented in Switzerland. It included a survey of the federal and cantonal authorities and a validated random sample of 30 municipalities and private stakeholders.


(Kopie 36)

Risk concept for natural hazards (2011)

The guideline shows the application of the risk concept for the natural hazard processes occurring in Switzerland. It is a reference work for the procedure for risk-based action planning and action evaluation against the background of integral risk management.


Effects of agricultural management on natural hazards (2011)

The overarching and networked strategy for improving safety from natural hazards was the first to systematically analyse the possible influence of agricultural management on natural hazards. The study was carried out with a view to an adaptation strategy for hazard minimisation and prevention.

Vulnerability to gravitational natural hazards (2008)

The report presents the results of the individual project ‘Vulnerability to gravitational natural hazards - a situation analysis’, which was carried out as part of the 2005 to 2008 action plan.


Risk management in practice - examples of dealing with natural hazards (2008)

Diese repräsentative Übersicht über die Praxis des Risikomanagements im Bereich Naturgefahren zeigt, kommentiert und bewertet vorbildliche Beispiele aus der Praxis für verschiedene Naturgefahren. Die This representative overview of risk management practice in the area of natural hazards shows, comments on and evaluates best practice examples for various natural hazards. The aim of the overview was to sensitise decision-makers to risk-oriented management and to motivate them to apply risk management.

Annual expenditure on protection against natural hazards in Switzerland (2007)

PLANAT was commissioned by the Federal Council to calculate the sums invested by the private and public sectors in protection against natural hazards - pioneering work, as there was previously a lack of corresponding data. Where not otherwise possible, the various expenditures were estimated on the basis of interviews with insurance companies and administrative bodies.

How to create and run a platform? (2007)

The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015 defines as one of its strategic goals the “development and strengthening of institutions, mechanisms and capacities to build resilience to hazards” and recommends the creation of national platforms for disaster risk reduction. Switzerland with its national platform was considered a successful example.

PROTECT - Effect of protective measures (2007)

Protective measures play a key role in risk management. However, their protective effect can only be adequately taken into account if the relevant parameters and interrelationships are known and can be quantified. This final report on the PLANAT 2005-2008 action plan closes considerable gaps here.

PLANAT project: Legal aspects in connection with the hazard map (2004)

Hazard maps show where settlements in Switzerland are threatened by natural hazards. They therefore serve as a basis for the designation of hazard zones and for the definition of utilisation requirements. In the federal laws on hydraulic engineering (WBG) and forests (WaG), the cantons are obliged to draw up hazard maps for floods, avalanches, landslides and landslide processes and to take these into account in land-use planning and other spatially effective activities.

Strategy Natural Hazards Switzerland - Synthesis Report (2004)

In fulfilment of the Federal Council's mandate of 20 August 2002.

PLANAT presents the results of the work carried out on behalf of the Federal Council in the synthesis report. 

PLANAT activity reports

Activity report 2020–2023

Conscious handling of risks from natural hazards

Activity report 2016–2019

On the way to a risk-competent society

Activity report 2012–2015

Closing the gaps in dealing with natural hazards

Activity report 2008–2011

Elements for a new risk culture

Activity report 2004–2007

A decade in the service of risk management

Activity report 2001–2003

Safety from natural hazards

Last change: 02.09.2024