The National Platform for Natural Hazards PLANAT is an extra-parliamentary commission set up by the Federal Council in 1997. 
Federal Council in 1997. PLANAT develops Switzerland's strategy for dealing with risks from natural hazards 
and further develops integral risk management (IRM).



PLANAT works on three levels on behalf of the Federal Council:


  1. Strategic work

    With its strategy «Dealing with risks from natural hazards», PLANAT sets out the 
    how Switzerland deals with risks from natural hazards. 
    It also advises the Federal Council on technical issues, comments on political 
    political processes and draws up recommendations on the level of safety 
    in Switzerland.

  2. Raising awareness

    PLANAT strives to realise the vision of a risk-competent society that 
    conscious and forward-looking way of dealing with risks from natural hazards. To this end 
    propagates that risk analyses and action planning should be carried out in a participatory 
    so that authorities, experts and those affected can work together to 
    to develop optimal solutions together.

  3. Coordination

    PLANAT ensures that synergies are better utilised. The platform 
    promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience both within 
    Switzerland and abroad.

Who is PLANAT?

In this video, members describe how PLANAT works




The Federal Council appoints the 18 honorary members for a term of four years.

Plenary, committee and working groups

All members together form the plenum, which meets three times a year. This forms the Committee with the President and Vice President as well as various working groups.


The office organises and moderates the meetings, handles PLANAT's business 
PLANAT's business and supports the working and project groups. It 
summarises PLANAT's activities in annual reports and every four years in 
activity reports every four years.



The PLANAT office is hosted by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).


Helen Gosteli

MSc. Geografie

Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle PLANAT

Susanna Niederer

MA Disaster and Emergency Management

Stellvertretende Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle PLANAT

You can also find information on PLANAT's activities at

Last change: 02.09.2024