Dealing with risks from natural hazards

PLANAT develops and updates the strategy on how Switzerland should deal with natural hazards. The first strategy was published in 2003, and in 2018 the Federal Council took note of the updated strategy «Dealing with risks from natural hazards».


The strategy and the report on dealing with natural hazards in Switzerland, which identifies many of the necessary measures, are harmonised. PLANAT has also taken into account important strategies such as adaptation to climate change and the UN's Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.




Goals according to the strategy

The aim of the strategy is to ensure that we as a society are resilient, regenerative and adaptable. These characteristics are key to ensuring that we in Switzerland can live in reasonable safety from natural hazards. To this end, the principles apply that those responsible must deal with risks from natural hazards in a risk-oriented and solidarity-based manner and take all aspects of sustainability into account.


Integral risk management IRM

PLANAT postulates integral risk management (IRM) for the specific handling of risks from individual natural hazards.


Three questions are answered:


  • What can happen?
  • What can happen?
  • What must be done?


In Switzerland, all people can be affected by natural hazards


Risk-based approach

With the risk-based approach, the consequences of different natural hazards should be compared with each other and placed in the context of other risks. Standardised principles and a comparable approach help stakeholders to decide where action is needed and to prioritise this.


Responsibility is borne by all

In Switzerland, everyone can be affected by natural hazards - which is why everyone must be aware of the risks, cooperate and find a solution together. PLANAT sees risk dialogue as an essential tool on the way to a risk-competent society. In addition to politicians and the authorities, planners, professional associations, insurance companies, educational institutions and private individuals, such as homeowners and tenants, also have a responsibility.  


Expenses for protection against natural hazards

According to the PLANAT study « Annual expenditure on protection against natural hazards in Switzerland», Switzerland invests around CHF 3 billion annually in protection against natural hazards. 1.7 billion of this is borne by households, private companies and insurance companies.



Strategic controlling

PLANAT periodically reviews the success of the strategy and the recommendations for dealing with risks from natural hazards. PLANAT will carry out the next strategic controlling around ten years after publication of the strategy.

Last change: 30.08.2024