New PLANAT members
The current PLANAT members who stood for re-election were confirmed by the Federal Council. PLANAT congratulates the new members Stefan Brem, Christine Eriksen, Michel Jaeger, Alain Marti, Heidi Mittenbach-Savina, Marie Claude Noth-Ecoeur and Wanda Wicki on their election to the Commission! We look forward to working with you.
PLANAT working paper: Mind the Strategy-Practice Gap. Opportunities and obstacles for an effective risk dialogue (2024)
PLANAT is committed to a forward-looking and comprehensive risk-based approach to dealing with natural hazards. Successfully applied integrated risk management requires a systematic and holistic risk dialogue between stakeholders. This working paper examines both the opportunities for and the obstacles to effective risk dialogue.

PLANAT activity report 2020 - 2023: Conscious handling of risks from natural hazards
Risks from natural hazards are becoming increasingly important due to climate change and societal changes. Strengthening the risk culture is therefore a key concern for PLANAT: The activity report shows that consciously dealing with risks from natural hazards offers the opportunity to apply leverage where it is most effective for society.